Amelia when she had RSV. Don’t worry she is much better now.
Looking For Air
My daughter Amelia has suffered a few respiratory illnesses. She is even going through one as I write this. Even though she’s going to be okay, I have never before in my life paid so close attention to breaths. I mean I obsess over her breaths. I myself as an asthmatic know well the drama of not being able to breathe. All that only fuels my absolute devotion to keeping Amelia breathing. I subconsciously pay attention to her little chest movements and I’m always listening for her at night. Erin and I have had many sleepless nights tending to keep Amelia’s air saturation up. And we wouldn’t rest at all if we didn’t know that the Lord is sustaining Amelia whether our eyes are open or not.
The Good Father
I am an imperfect father yet I will tirelessly look after my child’s life. It really is no surprise at all then to know that our perfect heavenly father not only knows our breaths but has numbered them. Not even a hair falls from your head without him knowing. It is such a comfort for me to know that God looks after her more scrupulously than I on my best day could ever look after Amelia.
Psalm 139
This Psalm covers so many great themes in its 24 verses. A few being the omniscience of God, the sovereign goodness of God, and hatred of sin. I’m not going to try to break down this passage and explain all those themes. I feel like the Psalm speaks very well for itself. I will, however, speak briefly the theme of hatred of sin.
Slay The Wicked
Many of the Psalms address something about destroying the enemy. I have been tempted to at times read around those just for the “God is nice” and “God is good” verses. Only recently did it lay on me to view those verses about war and hatred for enemies differently.
When we consider all the verses before 19 - 24, we see a picture of a God that is very present and near to us, who is tender and caring for us. The only thing to separate us from that is sin. Sin is our ENEMY! If we got that we might pray something like vs 19 through 22. And don’t get me wrong. Our position is secure. You didn’t earn it and He will hold you fast. But you won’t be able to worship in unrepentant sin. You have to go to war with sin. So don’t misread or skip those passages. You have an enemy and it is nearer than you’d like to know. So as we prepare to worship, let’s consider how good and loving our heavenly father is who tends to our every breath, and also how sin separates us from Him. Then let’s “race to the cross” and ask the Lord to put sin to death in our own lives.
Search us, Father, and know our hearts! Try us and know our thoughts! See if there is any grievous way in us and lead us in the way everlasting.
If you have any questions about the topic of worship or would like to learn how to get involved with the worship ministry of North Avenue Church you can email Ian at