Sunday Services and Events
Worship Service
3:00-4:15 PM
Childcare available (0-4 yrs)
Sunday School Classes
2:00-2:45 PM
Childcare available (0-4 yrs)
Church Meals
Fourth Sunday (Generally)
After service in the gym - Not during the summer months
Community Groups
Third Sundays (GenerallY)
5:00-7:00 PM
Varying home locations - See further below for more details.
Special Events
Men’s Breakfast
First Saturday of every other month at 8:00am
(Feb, April, Aug, Oct, Dec)
Women’s Breakfast
First Saturday of every other month at 8:30am
(Jan, Mar, May, Sep, Nov)
Community Groups
Meets the third Sunday of each month in the evening
Madison County Group
Hosted by- Varies each month
Led by- Jerry Ediger
Dinner included. Children welcome, but no childcare available.
Oconee Group
Hosted by- David and Jane Linder
Led by- David Linder
Dinner included.
West Athens Group
Hosted by- John and Callie VanDeLinde
Led by- Scott McAndrew
Dinner included. Children welcome, but no childcare available.
Northeast Athens Group
Hosted by- Zach and Leah Petty
Led by- Zach Petty
Dinner included. Children welcome, but no childcare available.