Ordinary Faithfulness Retreat Sessions
Why Should We Understand ‘Expressive Individualism’?
session 1
Selected Sciptures
This is not a sermon expositing a passage of Scripture but rather a lecture surveying how traditional and modern cultures tell us how to obtain an identity for ourselves. It is only from the security of our identity in Christ that we can begin to pursue ordinary faithfulness.
[This talk was based on this series of blogs by Trevin Wax and this message given by Tim Keller at Wheaton College.]
10 Ways to Pursue Ordinary Faithfulness | Part 1
Session 2
Selected Sciptures
Scott powerfully reminds us how beautiful a life of ordinary faithfulness to God can be. He weaves together many passages of Scripture along with vivid and moving stories of 'ordinary faithfulness' lived out in Christians of the past. This talk covers the first five points.
10 Ways to Pursue Ordinary Faithfulness | Part 2
Session 3
Selected Sciptures
Scott powerfully reminds us how beautiful a life of ordinary faithfulness to God can be. He weaves together many passages of Scripture along with vivid and moving stories of 'ordinary faithfulness' lived out in Christians of the past. This talk covers the second five points.