Men at Work Retreat Sessions


Men at Work

Session 1

Selected Scriptures

It is far too easy to compartmentalize our lives. Church has one box, work has another. Have we been separating our walk with Jesus from our daily work? Does our work define us? Has it become an idol and our identity? Or have we become lazy on the job? How does Christ connect to my career?


Men at Home (marriage)

Session 2

Ephesians 3:14-21; 5:1-2,25-33

Outside of our salvation, our wives are one of the most precious gifts the Lord gives us. Have we been taking this gift for granted? Do we marvel at the "good thing" the Lord has granted us? How can we better love and lead our wives spiritually?


Men at the cross

Session 3

Ephesians 2:1-13

We as husband and fathers must be born again and we must understand what the new birth really is. What does it mean to be "dead" in trespasses and sins? What does it mean to be "made alive" together with Christ? How should we as men race to the cross as believers? What does it mean to be gospel-centered man?